Tilted, partially blurred, clack and white image of a street with embedded tracks that converge on the horizon.

Hello, I'm Kip Lim.
swe // webdev // sysadmin

Hello, I'm Kip Lim.
swe // webdev // sysadmin


C/C++ Go
Java JavaScript
Python SQL
I have a special love for flawless code quality, well-written documentation, and elegant design implementations.
Dev Tools + Frameworks
Bazel Eclipse
GNU Emacs Git/GitHub
React/React Native VS Code


A picture of Kip smiling. She is wearing a black shirt and aviator sunglasses.
Ki Pheng (Kip) Lim is a senior Computer Science major at Harvey Mudd College. Kip doesn't quite know what to do career-wise yet, but enjoys improving code quality, documenting and preserving code, and picking up new development skills. In fact, this site was born out of a desire to learn more about web design.

Other folks have described Kip as well-organised, perpetually curious, self-driven, and a tenacious problem solver. After graduation, Kip seeking an infrastructure role with an emphasis in code quality, testing, and legacy software maintenance.

Likes: friends, food, and fun. ( potential employers!)
Dislikes: bad color contrast, lukewarm water, and slow walkers.



Created dbxlint, an in-house Go lint engine to eventually replace linting provided by third-party PHP solution Arcanist. dbxlint reads linter configurations (Bazel targets, flags, etc.), SSH into remote DevBoxes if necessary, and runs Bazel-built and local linters in parallel. Compiled to binary and packaged in SQFS. Currently integrated into Arcanist until transition from Phabricator; used by 800+ engineers during code review process.

May 2021 - August 2021

Photo Albums @ Dropbox

Hack Week 2021 Grand Prize Winner and most upvoted project of the year. Reimagines photos at Dropbox as Albums (1-many) in addition to Files (1-1). Developed data model for album entities, user-album associations, album-user associations, and album-file associations within Edgestore (object-relational mapping wrapper). Projected ready to ship by end of Q3 for all Dropbox users.

July 2021

IOTTA Trace Repository

Maintained Rails codebase for a repository hosting 22 TB of I/O storage traces with 300 monthly downloads and 500 citations over ten years.

June 2020 - August 2020


A HackMIT 2020 project. Want to watch lectures with other students but don’t have friends in your class? Looking for study buddies to hold each other accountable? Collaborative remote learning has never been easier!

September 2020

Personal Portfolio

The very first foray into frontend design. Created with vanilla JS, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Features some of Kip's projects and works in development.

June 2020 - Present

Seam Carving

An implementation of a dynamic image cropping algorithms. Seam carving removes the "least energy seam," which is a path of continuous pixels where the difference in luminosity between pixels in the path and neighbour pixels are minimised.

March 2019


The classic snake game where the snake's latest obsession is spam! A Java applet that allows users to control the snake manually, reverse the snake, or even start AI mode, which uses BFS to find a path to the nearest spam.

May 2019